WATCH: Contaminated Memories, a New York Times Op-Doc

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Contaminated Memories, directed and produced by Debra Tolchinsky, is currently available via The New York Times Op-Docs (please wait a few seconds for the ads to finish). The short film precedes True Memories and Other Falsehoods, her in-process true crime series.

About Contaminated Memories

In 1985, Penny Beerntsen was brutally attacked on a beach in Wisconsin after which she identified Steven Avery as her attacker. Based primarily upon her eyewitness testimony, Avery was convicted, but eighteen years into his 32-year sentence, a devastating discovery occurs.

When my assailant grabbed me from behind, two thoughts went instantly through my mind: The first one was I need to stay calm, and I'm not generally a calm person. And the second thought was I need to get a really good look at this guy because if I survive this, I want to be able to identify him.

Op-Docs is The New York Times editorial department's forum for short, opinionated documentaries. Launched in 2011, the Emmy Award-winning Op-Docs series releases about 40 films each year.

We've been remiss to post, but have lots of news!

Since our last post, we've been busy. We're now in development with Kartemquin Films, which recently had two films in contention for documentary Oscars! We've filmed more material with Penny Beernsten as well as footage with Elizabeth Loftus, and James Trainum. Additional shooting took place at the Parrish Neuroimaging Laboratory, the Northwestern Simulation Laboratory, Northwestern's Feinberg School of Medicine, Lake Michigan, and the Cook County Domestic Violence Courthouse in Chicago. We're currently continuing to film, building an Advisory Board and gearing up for a fundraiser. Photos and more news forthcoming.
