WATCH: Contaminated Memories, a New York Times Op-Doc

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Contaminated Memories, directed and produced by Debra Tolchinsky, is currently available via The New York Times Op-Docs (please wait a few seconds for the ads to finish). The short film precedes True Memories and Other Falsehoods, her in-process true crime series.

About Contaminated Memories

In 1985, Penny Beerntsen was brutally attacked on a beach in Wisconsin after which she identified Steven Avery as her attacker. Based primarily upon her eyewitness testimony, Avery was convicted, but eighteen years into his 32-year sentence, a devastating discovery occurs.

When my assailant grabbed me from behind, two thoughts went instantly through my mind: The first one was I need to stay calm, and I'm not generally a calm person. And the second thought was I need to get a really good look at this guy because if I survive this, I want to be able to identify him.

Op-Docs is The New York Times editorial department's forum for short, opinionated documentaries. Launched in 2011, the Emmy Award-winning Op-Docs series releases about 40 films each year.